Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Macro-Invertebrate Studies

We have been bringing our classes down to the river once a week for the last 3 or 4 weeks.
The weather has been warm and pleasant, and the water level has been low enough for the students to wade across.
 We recently did a macroinvertebrate study where the students took a tally of all the different macroinvertebrates they found.  It is a way to measure the health of the river.
   Lots of Caddisfly and Mayfly larvae means low pollution levels. We found pretty high numbers.
We will keep this data and compare it to future data at different locations, or different times of the year.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

We have been taking our students to the River. While there, we have been exploring the riverbank to look for evidence of wild life, erosion, pollution, etc.

Click this link to see a short video